Sunday, September 24, 2006


This is how I feel today! How perfect is that?! I am at the gas station again. This would be the second day in a row that I have pulled doubles between the two jobs. Yesterday I was at OC at 10:15 and was off around 3:15. I had to be at the gas station at 3:30. I went home, changed, and made it to work on time. Today I was in at Old Chicago at 10:15 and off at 2:45. I was supposed to be here at the gas station at 3, but was about 5 minutes late. They didn't seem to mind! :)
So, tomorrow is my day off from BOTH jobs. I get to sleep in and be lazy all I want. I only have to work Tuesday through Friday next week! Josh and I are going back to Council Bluffs/Omaha (his "home") for his buddy's wedding on Saturday. I am looking forward to getting out of town for the weekend. I need it! Sometimes Ames just gets to me. The college students rub me wrong most of the time. I don't really fit in with any crowd here. I am not a business person. I am not really considered "blue collar"... and I am SO NOT the average "student." I don't drink, I don't do drugs... so what do I do? I work... a lot.
I worked out my schedual so that I don't work more than one job in one day. It will be nice to not have to rush, rush, rush all day long. I also made myself TOTALLY UNAVAILABLE on Mondays from both jobs. That gives me one day a week to myself. Who ho! Watch, I will probably get totally bored on Mondays and have NOTHING to do. It will probably just become my cleaning/laundry day! Maybe Josh and I will take the dogs out to a park or something. We could use some time outside the house before it starts getting fridgid cold again.
Hey... I have a question for everyone...
WHICH IS REALLY WORSE FOR YOU... regular or diet soda?
Seriously, somebody answer this question for me. I remember when I was little my Mom wouldn't let me drink diet sodas because they weren't sure what the artificial sweetners did to you. I haven't really heard if this is true or not... that they are "bad" for you. I have recently started drinking diet sodas because Josh is diabetic. Any soda we have in the house can't really be regular. So... yeah... tell me what you know... or what you think.
I am going to go smoke and use the restroom. If anything strikes me worth writing about later, I will do so.

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