Monday, September 04, 2006

Okay, okay...

I have realized that I have had a lot of negative posts lately. I don't mean to be such a downer! Things just haven't been going well for my lately. In light of that, though... I suppose I could say something positive for once!
I finally finished training at the new job. I served yesterday morning all by myself for the first time. That went very well. Then tonight was my first time serving at night. This was interesting. I was really busy right off the bat when I got their. I made about $80 before tipping out the bartender and the expo. I consider that to be a damn good night!
I had to borrow money from my Mom for rent and some other small bills. After that I got a paycheck (only $70) and started getting cash from serving. Right now... I am sitting pretty. I am still in debt, no doubt about that. But, after I get off work, I now have the ability to stop and get milk and soda... whatever I need! It is great! I am so happy that I am working again. I have worked for about 9 days straight now. Although I am pretty tired, it actually feels pretty good. I am actually accomplishing something... thats all I need!
Anywho... that is about all I have to say right now. I think I am going to cuddle up in bed and watch a movie or something. I don't work again until tomorrow night!

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