Sunday, August 20, 2006

Things I've learned...

*Never take advantage of life. Treat everyday at it is your last. Treat people as though they may pass away the second they leave the house, work or school. You never know when people will die.
*Your parents actually know a thing or two! If you think they are being "unfair", they are probably doing it because they love you! They have mostly likely gone through a similar situation. Take their advice seriously! One day you WILL say... "you were right."
*If you doubt something you are doing or about to do, DON'T do it.
*Things change. So do relationships. The younger you are, the less likely he/she is the ONE. It happens, but very rarely.
*Regular dishwashing liquid DOESN'T work in the dishwasher. Nice try, Mom.
*Your parents know you better than most anybody else (in most cases).
*Don't take advice from the friend who never takes yours.
*Sometimes you have to give up your pride once in a while to get to your ultimate goal.
*Dating somebody on a lower intelligence level can be difficult on many levels, and really boring.
*A guy's hygiene can tell you a lot about his personality.
*A dog really can be your best friend.
*Sometimes crying is all you need to make you feel better.
*Buying new underwear always makes you feel better.
*You change a lot between the ages 18 and 21. I still don't know everything there is to know.
*You can always learn something new. Never stop learning.
*Television rots your brain. Try doing something else for an hour instead of watching the tube.
*Some people's opinions will never change. Agree to disagree, move on, and focus on the good things.
*Instead of giving a homeless person money, give him/her a newspaper (look for a job) and bottled water (so they can refill it).
*Failure is not falling down, but staying down.
*Don't be afraid to ask for help or ask questions.

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