Wednesday, November 22, 2006


I am not really sure what I am going to write about... but I am bored. I have almost everything done at work. I wanted to be sure I would get out of here quick tonight. I want to leave Ames around 8 am to get to my Grandma's early. I am pretty pumped about going there for Thanksgiving. I haven't been to their house in Austin, MN forEVER! It has to have been about a year or so.
I am pretty excited to show Josh off some more. I think my Grandparents have met him once now. Aunt Lisa hasn't met him, and neither have BETS (Barb, Emily, Tim and Sammy). I would have brought the dogs along, but BETS have a big old lab. I'm not sure how she will respond to two small, energetic dogs. We decided to leave their asses at home! :) Sarah's boyfriend, John, offered to spend some time with them while we're gone. Even though we are driving back the same night... I still worry about them. John will take care of them. Sarah first suggested that we ask Michele to take care of them. Josh wont allow her to be in his house, though!! GO JOSH! I thought that was pretty hilarious!
I talked to my therapist on Monday. It appeared as though she already had a plan of action for the meeting, but I kinda changed that. First of all, I had to share the story of my engagement! I hadn't seen her since then (nearly a month) and I just had to tell her that! Then, I wanted to update her on my stepmom. I got a couple more vicious emails from her. I decided to just print them all off so she could actually see what a mean person she is. I also included the LONG letter I emailed to my Dad. That whole deal took up most of the hour we had together. It felt pretty good to get it out.
I will write more later!

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