Friday, January 19, 2007


I am at work right now and terribly bored. I figured it was going to be insanely busy, but I was wrong. I didn't even bring a text book to read. Psh... I suck. So, I am stuck fucking around on the internet. Thankfully the boss is out of town for the day... otherwise... it could be worse.
I love old people. I know, random though. No really, though, I love 'em! When they come into the gas station, I just want to give them a hug. Most of them are sweet and gentle. Every wrinkle makes me think of what they've gone through, the places they've been, the things they've done. I just want to sit down with a cup of coffee and listen. I could probably learn so much.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

A song from Josh.

Josh wrote a song about me last night while I was at work.
He plays guitar all the time and just recently joined a band with a couple friends of ours.
I couldn't help but wonder, for the longest time, when I would get a song. He finally did it last night. He did a bunch of stuff for me. He cooked, he cleaned, he did this, he did that. I was completely touched by the lyrics. I will have to nab them one of these days so I can post it.
I love him so much.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Oh... my... gawd....

I just found out that one of my best friends, Sarah, is pregnant. Let me rewind a bit and give you some background.
First of all, there was a scare about 4 months back that she was pregnant. She was really excited about it and was making all these plans. Then, about a week later, she got her period. Of course, she was dissapointed. I, on the other hand, was relieved. The girl can't even take care of a dog (she is the one I adopted my dog from), let alone a baby.
Since then, things between her boyfriend (John) have been rocky. He has a SEVERE drinking problem. He treats her like shit and is drunk 90% of the time. Seriously, the guy wakes up and has a beer. Its insane. The last month or so, Sarah has tried to crack down on it. She keeps threatening things if he doesn't get it under control. He does it again, though, and she just keeps forgiving him.
Recently (okay like 2 days ago), John called AA to see what it takes for him to start coming to meetings. He has to come in for an "interview" to see where he is at, and then he can start the Wednesday night meetings. So, he hasn't even started to go and Sarah has high hopes that this will change everything.
She comes into work tonight and says she has something big to tell me. She stands in front of me for a long time, and then pulls out this pregnancy test to show it to me. Good, God I almost crapped myself. I could give 1,001 reasons why she should NOT have a child.
I will have to write more about this later. I am pretty upset. I spent about 20 minutes crying about it after she left.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Armed Robbery...

So, yeah. I got back into town on Sunday night after seeing my Dad in Winona. I had to go to a work meeting. We needed to figure out what everybody's schedule was going to be like over the holidays. When I walked in, they asked me if I heard the news.
I guess on Saturday night, the gas station was robbed. Zimmer was working, because I was out of town. He was in the restroom and he saw a shadow walk by the window (its made of those glass blocks). When you see this, you usually have to hurry up since a customer is obiviously coming into the store. Well, he came out to find a guy in a mask. He kinda giggled at first because he thought it was a joke. Then the guy pulled out his pistol and led him back to the office. He cleaned out the safe while his buddy cleaned out the drawer in the front. Zimmer was told to keep his head on the wall, stay on his knees and keep his hands behind his back while he held the pistol to the back of his head.
Needless to say I have been a bit in shock for the last couple days. First of all, the person that did this, knew their shit. They knew our routine. If they knew our routine, they knew that I was supposed to be there. I work that same shift every week. It is probably somebody I have seen in here a million times, and probably somebody I shot the shit with.
I am here at work freezing and paranoid. I don't want to pee, but the cold doesn't help.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


I am sitting in Jake's office while Josh and him jam on guitars in the basement.

The music is disorganized, loud and abnoxious.

I want to go home beacause I have nothing to do right now.

I can feel the bass on the bottoms of my feet... and I'm hungry.

I love Josh.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Happy Belated Thanksgiving!!

SOOOOOooo tired. I woke up at 7 am yesterday to hit the road early. Josh and I went to Austin, MN for Thanksgiving at my Grandma's. It was a pretty good time. I hadn't seen my cousins Emily and Sammy in over a year. It was nice to see them again. Emily is like 13 now... so weird! She is a freshman in high school!! So bizzare to see her that tall and that old. Before we went, I forgot to inform Josh that Sammy was autistic (not sure that is how you spell that). I guess I didnt really think about it. Apparently (I wasn't actually present), Sammy just went and sat on his lap after they exchanged "Hello, nice to meet you." It kinda shocked and surprised Josh. Whops! All together it was a good time, though.
I have been emailing back and forth with Mary and Tom (my half siblings) all day. I was trying to figure out when Dad was actually suppsed to be home. I guess he was supposed to fly in today but nobody has heard from him. I keep tyring his cell phone, though!! All I can do is hope I will get a hold of him one of these times! I am soooo freakin' excited to talk to him. I was playing around on their website today and found that photo. It is the best one I have seen yet. Its funny, though, because I have NEVER seen him smoke a cigar! :) I like it, though, because he actually looks relaxed. Every photo before that one has been him doing SOMETHING "business" related. He never looks happy and always looks exhausted and sad. I love it!!
I hope he is okay when he comes home. I hope that he doesn't suffer any severe problems after this all. I can't imagine the amount of emotional turmoil he has gone through.
I love him, and miss him dearly.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


I am not really sure what I am going to write about... but I am bored. I have almost everything done at work. I wanted to be sure I would get out of here quick tonight. I want to leave Ames around 8 am to get to my Grandma's early. I am pretty pumped about going there for Thanksgiving. I haven't been to their house in Austin, MN forEVER! It has to have been about a year or so.
I am pretty excited to show Josh off some more. I think my Grandparents have met him once now. Aunt Lisa hasn't met him, and neither have BETS (Barb, Emily, Tim and Sammy). I would have brought the dogs along, but BETS have a big old lab. I'm not sure how she will respond to two small, energetic dogs. We decided to leave their asses at home! :) Sarah's boyfriend, John, offered to spend some time with them while we're gone. Even though we are driving back the same night... I still worry about them. John will take care of them. Sarah first suggested that we ask Michele to take care of them. Josh wont allow her to be in his house, though!! GO JOSH! I thought that was pretty hilarious!
I talked to my therapist on Monday. It appeared as though she already had a plan of action for the meeting, but I kinda changed that. First of all, I had to share the story of my engagement! I hadn't seen her since then (nearly a month) and I just had to tell her that! Then, I wanted to update her on my stepmom. I got a couple more vicious emails from her. I decided to just print them all off so she could actually see what a mean person she is. I also included the LONG letter I emailed to my Dad. That whole deal took up most of the hour we had together. It felt pretty good to get it out.
I will write more later!