Sunday, October 29, 2006

I need to post more!

I'm sorry... I had to do it. I added this photo I found on some random website. I finally quit my job at Old Chicago and now I only have one job! Who ho! It is a HUGE load off my shoulders. So... the only thing I do is the dispatcher job for the towing company. Thats why I think this photo is so funny.
Anywho... not much else is going on. I think I have decided that I am going to start at ISU next semester. I could probably take one more semester at DMACC, but I really wouldn't be saving THAT much money. I would still have to drive 30 miles to get to class every friggin' day. SO, I am on my way with that. I know what I want to do and I have motivation to get it done as fast as possible. There has been serious talk about Josh going back to finish, too. He just has to figure out his finacial aid business. My Mom said that since we are engaged now, she officially has permission to kick him in the ass about school! Sweet.
Josh switched to the kitchen at Old Chicago. He has finally retired from serving. Who ho!!! He is pretty pumped about it. The only downside (in his mind) is that he has to get up at 7 am to get to work on time. Bummer! It doesn't bother me any because now he actually comes to bed at the same time as me!! :) And, he also tends to get MORE sleep because of it. It is pretty common for him to stay up until 6 am on the night before he has nothing to do. The other nice thing is he will actually get a paycheck that is worth something! He wont have cash in his pocked all the time (which we all know he has a problem with) AND he will actually have FULL TIME HOURS!! This way he can get health insurance. Buying insulin for $90 a bottle is getting pretty ridiculous.
The plans for the wedding are going well. I am all pumped about getting to plan everything. By the end I will probably be totally sick of it. I will enjoy it while it lasts. Amy called me an "over-acheiver" because I already have a book with all sorts of ideas in it. I have been buying those wedding magazines to get my creative juices flowing. Anybody would probably think I am going overboard but I think you can never start too early. RIGHT?! :)
We would have LOVED to have the dogs be our ring bearer and flower girl... but I think they aren't obedient enough. Otis would freak out with all those people. He would be running around like mad. Roxy might do okay... but she is a little sissy girl. She would probably get scared. We want to envolve them still, but we aren't sure how yet. So, we've decided to have Denny and Amy's kids do it for us. Neither of us have family that is young enough to play the roll. Nicholas will be the biggest PIMP ring bearer EVER! Caitlyn will be our flower girl. I am freakin' excited!
It is so weird to think that a year, maybe year and a half, from now I will be married. Don' t get me wrong... I AM PUMPED! But, it is just a surreal feeling. I don't know how to explain it.
Well, I suppose I better go do some work! LATER!

Friday, October 27, 2006

So... I have some news. I guess I said it with the pic. Yup... Liz is engaged! It happened October 24th, 2006. I guess I will have to tell the story. Let me explain...
An ex-boyfriend of mine (who also happens to be a little psycho) got a hold of my phone number and started trying to get in contact with me. I had changed my phone number about 2 years ago to prevent him from calling or texting me. Anywho... he started off by telling me he wanted me back. Then, when he wasn't getting a positive response from me, he started making threats. Josh was getting progressively more and more upset about it. I have a lot of pride and I can't always let things be. I kind of always want the last word. I have to let my ex have a peice of my mind. Josh wanted me to let things be. I really couldn't understand why he was THAT upset about it. We ended up, on Monday, having a little spat about it. He was really upset and at one point blurted out, "LIZ! You don't understand how important this is to me! I was planning to propose to you on our 1 year anniversary!" He told me the whole story about how he was going to propose and everything.
So, the next day I was all gitty. I couldn't tell anyone, though, because it wasn't official. I couldn't contain myself so I went to the mall to check out some rings at the jewelry stores. I wanted to see how much a simple plain wedding band would cost me. I ended up finding a titanium ring that was "so Josh" and only cost me $90. I bought it!
I went to babysit Amy and Denny's kids that night while Josh was at work. While I was there I typed up a letter to him. I wrote basically about how much I loved him, how happy and lucky I was to have him in my life, etc. At the end I wrote... "and this is why I am asking..." He flipped the page over expecting to see something on the back. While he stayed confused I slipped the ring box on his lap.
So, thats it! We are engaged! I have told most of my family. The ones that don't know yet will find out soon enough. I am SOOOOOOO HAPPY!

Friday, October 13, 2006


I got an email from my Dad yesterday! It has probably been a month since I had heard from him. For those of you that don't know... he is in Iraq right now. He has been training and over there for a little over a year now. He has about another 8 months or so to go. Anyway... when he does get the chance to email, they are usually really short. He doesn't get much time to tool around there.
The one I got was actually fairly long!! It did make me tear up a bit. It tugs at my heart to hear him tell me how bad it is. All he does it work... no sleep... no play... nothing.
Anyway... he says he is getting leave in November. I imagine he can't tell me WHEN because it is still classified. I have already warned both jobs that I will need time off. There is NO WAY I am missing this. I can't wait.
Added to all the excitement of him being home is that he will be able to meet Josh! I have been dating him for 9 months and he still hasn't met him. He has been deployed the whole time. I know they will get along.
Anywho... I should go get some stuff done... I just wanted to share!